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News & Mitta Mitta River Resources
All of our Mitta Mitta River news and resources. This is the place to find anything you might need.
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May 16, 2023
Spiders along the Mitta: The Webs They Weave... Maybe you’ve seen spider webs strung high in the branches...

Mar 5, 2023
Slippery as an ...
The Short Finned Eel is common in our waterways. They’re long, slippery fish that live in our creeks and rivers and they hunt yabbies,...

Nov 25, 2021
What's the name of that darn bush drysuit wearers love to hate?
Bursaria Spinosa (a.k.a.: Native Blackthorn, a.k.a.: Christmas Bush) (People actually plant these things in their gardens! ;-) All along...

Oct 5, 2021
Super quick raft & IK repairs!
In need of a quick raft or IK (inflatable kayak) repair? Need a quick raft or inflatie repair?? I have used these many times since the...

Jul 16, 2021
Ever see a Goanna on the Snowy or Mitta rivers?
Some pretty cool digs... (puns intended)...

Jun 1, 2021
SSI Swiftwater Rescue Schedule Post-Lockdown 2022 Is Out!
We had to cancel all our spring courses due to lockdowns. Bummer! There's some cool stuff happening at SSI, but that meant we've had to...

May 26, 2021
Grey Shrike-Thrush... another cool bird in the High Country along the Mitta
Some interesting facts on finding and learning about the Grey Shrike-Thrush in the High Country. Along with stuff you can do with...

May 11, 2021
Remote First Aid Kit; suggested items
This is a living document... every group and every outdoor guide/leader will have their own preferences, but this is a good start. It is...

Apr 18, 2021
Where Four Rivers Meet... Regional Catchment Strategy: Get Your Two-Cents in!
Community Forums in: Corryong, Wodonga, Tallangatta, Omeo, Bright, Wangaratta... Or have your say via the online survey... one way or the...

Mar 28, 2021
Advanced Mechanical Advantage (MA) systems for River Runners... The Poldo Hitch or Voodoo Loop
We're all used to the "Z-Drag" 3:1 system. As I've taught in my swiftwater rescue classes for years, it should be the last thing you go...

Mar 8, 2021
The Hairy Canary (In The Coal Mine): Bogong Moths In The Victorian Alpine Country
Great Bush Tucker, Great reason to gather the tribes each year along the Mighty Mitta for thousands of years. Not to mention a Mountain...

Mar 3, 2021
How Did The Miners & Squatters Find Their Way To The Alpine Area, Where Moths & 4 Rivers Gather?
Look to the paths the first people made, and you'll find the road map of today. The article's language may be dated, but it's fascinating...

Feb 25, 2021
Tumut WavePark Proposal
Would you love a world-class urban river surfing and whitewater recreation facility? That's what Paddle Tas aims to create with the Surf...

Jan 26, 2021
Suggested Emergency Protocols for Mitta Mitta (or any river) river trips
EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS: MITTA MITTA RIVER TRIPS Please follow these guidelines when encountering injuries, illness, and/or other urgent...

Jan 26, 2021
Eskies (a.k.a.: coolers): To drain, or not to drain, that is the question...
Some great research on eskies:

Jan 26, 2021
More Hygiene on the River
Things you thought you knew already: Download this file to read ways to poop, wash the dishes, and your hands whilst in the wilderness or...

Jan 26, 2021
"Stomach Flu" or something you ate?
River Hygiene and your students, clients, comrades: I've been guiding river trips a long time. It's the same in the States as here in Oz:...
Contact Friends Of The Mitta
Friends Of The Mitta
c/o Jeffe Aronson
124 Callaghans Rd
​Anglers Rest, Victoria 3898
03 5159 7252

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