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How Eucalyptus trees came to dominate Australia

Updated: Mar 21, 2023

Eucalyptus tree identity guide:

Brittle Gum... leaf veins spread out from central main vein as in photo, and the young tree's leaves look totally different! But not all white-barked gums along the Mitta are Brittle Gums!...

Young Brittle Gum leaves:

Mature Brittle Gum leaves;

Another similar white-barked tree along the Mitta is called the White Sallee... which is the same as a Snow Gum, only at lower elevation!

Below are Snow Gums at Wallace's Hut on the High Plains. Same tree down along the Mitta... but look at the leaves; the veins all sprout from the base of the leaf...

White Sallee leaves;

And those darker-barked trees along the Mitta?... There's a ton of 'em at the Anglers Rest campground, Joker, Bundara launch area for the gorge and more... Black Sallee:

red Stringybark

Peppermint gum



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Contact Friends Of The Mitta

Friends Of The Mitta
c/o Jeffe Aronson
124 Callaghans Rd
​Anglers Rest, Victoria 3898

03 5159 7252

Mitta Mitta River
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