The Upper Mitta Mitta river has strong links with outdoor education. School groups, an outdoor education centre and tertiary institutions all use the river and the surrounding Alpine National Park as their classrooms.
Mittagundi Outdoor Education Centre is synonymous with the area having been founded on the banks of the Big River in 1978. It offers 14-18 year olds with a chance to live, work and share adventures together in an environment where people mattered more than anything else.
La Trobe University's Outdoor and Environmental Education degree, as well as Charles Sturt University and Wodonga TAFE's collaborative Outdoor Education degree use the Big and Mitta Mitta Rivers as a learning environment for white water paddling. Holmsglen TAFE also use the river to train their Outdoor Recreation students.
Various schools use the river for their own independent Outdoor programs and camps.
Halls Outdoor Education Outer Eastern Training Institute
Holmesglen TAFE diploma in outdoor leadership